How to ensure you are getting the real Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Grass


Sir Walter DNA Certified is Exclusively available from Lawn Solutions Australia

Sir Walter DNA Certified buffalo grass is exclusively available from Lawn Solutions Australia. This means that only Lawn Solutions Australia accredited turf suppliers like New Lawn Turf grow and supply Sir Walter DNA Certified.

sir walter dna certified

Anyone selling something that is called ‘Sir Walter’ that isn’t accredited by Lawn Solutions Australia, quite literally could be selling anything. There are no protections in place to stop them selling any old buffalo (or any grass at all for that matter, even kikuyu!) and calling it Sir Walter. Which is what many non-accredited turf suppliers have been doing. Buffalo grasses can all look very similar, so it is almost impossible to know for certain that the grass that is supplied, is what they say it is…

New Lawn Turf supply turf to the eastern seaboard of Australia and are the leading turf grower for Tamworth, Armidale, Gunnedah, Narrabri, Moree, Inverell just to name a few. New Lawn Turf is an accredited supplier for Lawn Solutions Australia and compliant with AusGap Certification. 

 All Lawn Solutions Australia members submit samples of their turf for testing. These samples are tested alongside the original Sir Walter plant that has been kept pure without modification or off types at the home of Sir Walter, where it was originally bred over 20 years ago. This testing and accreditation provide these growers of Sir Walter with DNA Certification and an Original Breeder Guarantee.

sir walter dna certified

The Sir Walter DNA Certified turf you buy has this guarantee – it’s the real deal. Sir Walter from anyone without this, is not DNA Certified against the original and cannot provide a breeder guarantee. It also doesn’t come with a 10-year turf product warranty like you get with Sir Walter DNA Certified.

Along with the DNA certification of Sir Walter, all Lawn Solutions Australia growers produce their turf under the only national turf accreditation program in Australia, AusGAP. AusGAP certification guarantees that your DNA Certified Sir Walter is produced under the strictest quality standards and will perform as intended.

If your supplier is not listed on, then they are not Sir Walter DNA Certified and Breeder Guaranteed suppliers and Lawn Solutions Australia cannot guarantee the product you receive.

To help you identify real Sir Walter DNA Certified from imitators, look for both the Sir Walter DNA Certified logo and Original Breeder Guarantee logo. These logos are registered trademarks and can only be used by accredited suppliers. If a supplier doesn’t have these exact logos, they don’t have Sir Walter DNA Certified.


sir walter dna certified


How do you know it’s genuine Sir Walter?

To ensure you are purchasing DNA Certified Sir Walter, always:

  • Be sure you are purchasing from New Lawn Turf, an accredited grower and supplier.
  • Look for the Sir Walter DNA Certified logo and Original Breeder Guarantee logo
  • Be sure to check you have received a copy of Lawn Solutions Australia’s 10-year product warranty certificate with your order